Soundwalking on the Lachine Canal

COMS 324, October 6, 2023

︎︎︎ #1

While walking (and talking, if you like) … focus on the land ... the land that supports you right now

When it feels right … slow down your pace

Formulate a question about this place

Hold onto that question (we will discuss it later)

Then continue … and repeat

︎︎︎ #2

While walking (and talking, if you like) … focus on a specific sound

Stop moving, and pause in silence (for as long as you need)

Then continue … and repeat

︎︎︎ #3

While walking (this time without talking) … focus on a specific sound

Document why you are focusing on the sound (in any way)

Then continue … and repeat

︎︎︎ #4

While walking (and talking, if you like) … focus on a specific sound

Respond to the sound (in any way)

Then develop a sound that complements that sound

Take note (in any way) of why you are making these choices

Then continue … and repeat
